with this Train Your Dog For You Program, you will say goodbye to chaos and hello to peace as you reap the benefits of owning a dream dog. Your dog will be taught by the trainer to perform good manners skills such as: No, Sit, Stay, Come, Down, Drop It, Leave it, Loose leash walking, Polite Greetings with owners and guests.
Bonus behaviors are included such as: the high level skill “Go to your bed and stay” or a couple of tricks such as shake, roll over, speak, etc or focus commands such as a lightning fast name response and Watch Me. Behavior issues will be addressed including but not limited to: housetraining, chewing and nipping, digging, fear, aggression, herding, stealing, etc. Your dog will be able to perform in moderate to difficult levels of distractions both at home AND in public locations!
Program Includes:
- 30 “Train Your Dog For You” Sessions In Home and in Public Locations (1 hr each)
- 1 Refresher Session Per Year the first 3 years after program completion
- Complimentary and Unlimited Group Classes for a Year
- Free Activity Toy or Piece of Suggested Training Equipment
- 8 Follow Up Phone Consultations
- Lifetime, Unlimited Text Messaging and Email Support